The nights are cooling off, not the days but the nights really are so I have begun the process of setting up the greenhouse for the winter. I love having fresh herbs available and some squash or tomatoes that might not like the cooler nights. Everything grows so much faster in there and if it ever gets cooler down here I do enjoy going out and spending some time inside where it feels almost like a sauna some days! I got this little greenhouse from Harbor Freight and its the same type I had set up in Mesa for 7 years. I did tweak it a little bit to keep panels in better and improve it a bit but for minimal money it has always proven to do its job quite well. I have even had some success with cukes in the winter so its a definite win.
I have added eggplants and two large pots that I have put some squash seeds in and might try some cucumber seeds after the Thanksgiving holiday is done. I usually like to get some large bucket of water inside of it too because it seems to help with holding the heat during the night. If I can't find one that has a screened top I use mosquito dunks to keep those little pests at bay.
The row of salad greens has really taken off. The warmer weather has really made the arugula rather spicy but it isn't a bad thing, I just add less to the mix of lettuce and spinaches. The heat will also make my radishes a bit peppery but hopefully it will cool off soon and they will get milder. Until then I will enjoy the spicy flavors and tell myself it is summer saying good bye.
Beets, cabbages, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cauliflower, peas, radishes, onions, arugula, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes and the 1 year old jalapenos are all doing really amazing right now. I have been using my favorite organic fertilizer (Happy Frog) and this stuff keeps growing nuts!